Experienced an event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury or physical violation. |
The response to the experience involved intense fear, helplessness or horror. |
Recurrent and intrustive distressing memories of the event. |
Recurring nightmares. |
Flashbacks. |
Psychological distress when exposed to something that is a reminder of the event. |
Physiological distress when exposed to something that is a reminder of the event. |
Trying to avoid thoughts, feelings or conversations associated with the event. |
Trying to avoid activities, places or people that are reminders of the event. |
Unable to remember significant details of the event. |
Loss of interest or participation in significant activities. |
Feeling detached or cut off from others. |
Limited range of feelings. |
Feeling that life is over or that the future is shortened. |
Sleep problems. |
Anger. |
Attention problems. |
Always on the alert. |
Jumpy. |
Symptoms have endured longer than a month. |
Symptoms cause obvious problems in functioning. |
By clicking “Submit” you acknowledge that you understand that this tool
is for educational purposes only and is not a diagnostic assessment.